Based on the overarching principle of "Conservation for the South" embraced by the Sustainable Lantau Blueprint, the Sustainable Lantau Office (SLO) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department formulated the "Lantau Conservation and Recreation Masterplan" in 2020. The Masterplan proposed to further enhance the eco-recreation potential of the coastal areas of South Lantau.

To take forward the proposal, the SLO commenced two studies in 2021, namely "Sustainable Leisure and Recreation Initiatives in Shek Pik and Adjoining Areas – Investigation" and "Initiatives for South Lantau Eco-recreation Corridor – Investigation", to explore the good use of the natural and historical cultural resources in South Lantau for eco-tourism or sustainable recreational purposes.

Public Engagement Activity

The public engagement activities for the South Lantau Eco-recreation Corridor Study concluded on 28 July 2024. During the 2-month engagement period, we held a number of briefing sessions to listen to the opinions of various stakeholders and members of the public. We also collected opinions through the study website, street booths, email, mail, fax and telephone. We will consider the views and suggestions received and to optimize and refine the details of the proposals.

We will continue to communicate with the relevant stakeholders as we formulate specific proposals.

Thank you for your valuable opinions!

Scope of Works

Sustainable Leisure and Recreation Initiatives in Shek Pik and Adjoining Areas – Investigation:

Investigate the feasibility of sustainable leisure and recreation initiatives mainly in the north of the South Lantau Road along the catchwater road from Pui O to Kau Ling Chung as well as at Shek Pik Reservoir.

Initiatives for South Lantau Eco-recreation Corridor – Investigation:

Investigate the feasibility of conservation and eco-recreation initiatives mainly in the south of the South Lantau Road spanning from Pui O to Shui Hau.