The Atrium and Meeting Room will be open for NGOs and schools to use, by reservation, for organizing events / activities, so as to share the space for public enjoyment.


Theatre Seating: 100 seats
Fee: Free of charge
Equipments provided: 4 wireless microphones, LED display screen, PA system and podium

Meeting Room

Capacity: 12 seats
Fee: Free of charge

Except public holidays, venues can be booked on Monday to Sunday (i.e. AM Session: 9:00am to 12:00pm or PM Session: 2:00pm to 5:00pm or Full Day). Please read the Notes on Application and Personal Data Collection Statement, and fill in the application form below at least 2 months prior to the preferred date of booking. The available booking slots will be arranged to eligible applications on a first-come-first-served basis.

Upon receipt of the application, a confirmation e-mail will be issued to the applicant informing whether the application is accepted and the date of the booking. CEDD reserves the right to approve/reject any application.

CEDD would endeavour to arrange for the venue booking on the preferred date as far as practicable. However, the CEDD reserves the rights to defer the venue booking to other dates.

Should there be any alterations, please inform us at least a week before the date of booking for necessary arrangement. For enquiries, please contact our staff at

Preferred Date & Time of Booking


Particulars of Applicant



Particulars of Proposed Event / Activity




(Type the words shown)