Emanating from the darkness of the woods comes a series of rhythmic croaks: "Tokay... Tokay... Tokay...". As loud as a bicycle's horn, the voice sounds like it is calling someone or something's name. What kind of exotic creature might be making such a sound?
Peering closer into the wood, we can see who this songster is – the Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko), a species of reptile that gets its name from its distinctive call.
Tokay Gecko, a species native to Hong Kong, prefers to hide in crevices between rocks or other secluded areas during the day, making it difficult to spot. At night, however, it becomes active, foraging for food and chirping and croaking into the shadows. It is a rather large species of gecko, with a robust body up to 35 cm long and a flattened triangular head, making it a giant compared to the smaller geckos commonly found in homes.
Its colour scheme is also unique – a grey-blue body with orange and white spots, which are comprised of granular scales upon closer inspection. Its wide mouth seems to be snickering and its golden eyes are like those of a cat getting cute with you. Although they may look tame, they are actually fierce predators with a track record of hunting not only insects but also small birds and mammals.
Nevertheless, despite being natural predators, one of the Tokay Geckos' major enemies is actually humans! They are caught in large numbers and dried for use in traditional Chinese medicine. In the past, Tokay Gecko had been sold in snake shops as Chinese medicine, but it is rarely seen nowadays. In mainland China, their numbers are declining and they are classified as a critically endangered species in the Red List of Chinese Vertebrates and as a National Grade II protected animal. In recent years, they have become more widespread in their Hong Kong habitat, and it is thought that some of the population may be descendants of those that escaped from snake shops. However, the population on Lantau Island is considered more likely to be native.
If we all work together to cherish and protect Tokay Geckos, there will be more opportunities to hear their distinctive and charming chirps and croaks in the wild.